Although Shelby missed the track banquet due to a drum lesson, she got her gold medal from her 1st place in discus and also got her numeral in track (since she got her numeral in bowling last year, we are not sure what to do with another one set - it's a good thing she isn't doing another sport or she would have to grow another arm). School is officially out and she could not be happier. Bowling camp starts next week. Pictures of her medal are below (although Brenton was not pleased it had the Olathe East Hawk on the front). Congrats, Shelby - Mom and Dad are so proud of all your accomplishments this year.
Keeping up with the Byrnes' can be quite a challenge at times. This is our attempt to keep our friends and family up-to-date!
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
Flat Jeffrey goes Federal
My dear friend and travel buddy, Scott Harman, has been transferred to our Federal division for 3 months. While I would miss him stopping by my cube and entertaining me with his witty banter, I knew that I would still get his insightful and humorous emails. He did not disappoint. The day after his move, he wrote to inform us that the Q Building toilet stools have dual action flush handles, lift up to flush pee, push down to flush poop. I am not quite sure why I found this to be hysterical, but did, and immediately put Flat Jeffrey in the interdepartmental mail to have him investigate (as he did in Bangkok). Scott (and Flat Jeffrey) did not disappoint. Picture below is FJ with the toilet instructions.

Friday, May 15, 2009
Basketball at the Byrnes'
Ottawa finals done, dorm cleaned out, boys back home - it was time for a rematch (much to Shelby's delight). After 6 pounds of Dino Nuggets, 4 pounds of BBQ wings, 4-1/2 pounds of french fries, gallons of gatorade, and multiple fudge bars and ice cream sandwiches, the 213 Crew (minus JJ) plus Nick, took to the driveway to shoot some hoops. 

Tuesday, May 12, 2009
2009 JV Sunflower League Discus Champion!

Thursday, May 7, 2009
Another PR in Discus
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