Nineteen years ago, Tim and I were anxiously awaiting the birth of our first child - a child that everyone at the doctor's office thought was a girl - and I was convinced would never come out. My first due date was the 18th of June, then they moved it back to the 3rd of June (good thing he wasn't born that day as Tim and I were at a Don Henley concert at Sandstone). The doctor finally got tired of waiting and on the 27th of June induced labor (I have fortunately forgotten most of that). What I do remember is that Brenton hadn't even dropped and was playing with the cord so they had to do an emergency C-section. I woke up in the recovery room where Tim told me we had a son. I couldn't move my legs (as they had given me an epidural before the general anesthetic) and every time I held my baby I threw up. I remember my sister was there looking like a million dollars and I was paralyzed and puking. I thought I was allergic to my baby (Shelby wants everyone to know I never thought I was allergic to her). He has grown up to be wonderful son and brother and we are all enjoying having him home this summer. Happy Birthday, Brenton!
Tim cooked in the Lenexa BBQ this weekend with some friends as Fire in the Hole (instead of the Smokehouse 5 of years gone by). They had a good time, but unfortunately did not place very high. Brenton and Shelby went to the party Friday night and Shelby helped Tim clean up after (she wanted to spend the night, but was glad to sleep in her bed in the ac). Perhaps they will have better luck next year. Carly and Meg are wearing their "Poppinga's Posse" hats. A few years ago we were watching a Packers football game and the commentator was talking about Brady Poppinga. Tim thought that was a kick-ass name so Carly started calling him Poppinga and has called him that ever since.
Martha and Larry (and of course Baxter) came to KC for an extended weekend. Earlier in the week, it looked like it would rain the entire time, but the Tolberts brought good weather with them and it turned out to be a perfect weekend. Larry, Daddy, and Tim played some golf; Martha, Leslie, and Shelby bought some shoes; they took in a Royals victory; ate lots of great food; and threw in a badminton game to boot! Beauregard (one of the most loving cats on the planet) did not choose to show Baxter the love and was so annoyed by it all decided to throw up to show his displeasure; while Dixie (one of the most hateful cats on the planet - so very unlike her namesake) seemed to secretly enjoy engaging in long staredowns with the Bax (not so oddly enough, Baxter was the first to blink and run away). By the end of the weekend, they appeared to co-exist without too much hardship. Martha will have to report back on how long it takes for poor Baxter to recover from the stress of it all (I'm sure Bob is thrilled he got to stay at the Pet Safari). The animals might have had some stress, but those of us with opposable thumbs had a blast. It was truly a delightful weekend!Martha and Larry at the "K"Martha and the parental units
I got a surprise email this morning from my friend and co-worker, David Meier, saying that Flat Jeffrey has arrived in Afghanistan and wanted his picture taken. One of my cube son's, Joe Eschbacher, arrived last week for a three month stint and we of course sent Flat Jeffrey with him. As office mom, I am anxiously awaiting their return as the jobsite is next to a missile site, they are escorted around by military types, and it all seems rather frightening. Joe has reported that they work 7 days a week and he is working without air conditioning with coworkers that do not wear deodorant (I'm sure David does) and that BO could be the country's biggest hazardous chemical weapon. Here is hoping Flat Jeffrey keeps them safe and that they come back soon!
Tim has returned from the Canadian wilderness after a week-long fishing expedition with his dad and friend, Jimmy Poindexter. The weather was cold and they had lots of rain, but managed to catch some fish. The fishing was not quite as good as last year; however, with Tim driving the boat they managed to keep from having to replace the prop (they went through 2 last year). We only had to deal with a broken shower, so all in all, not a bad week. Glad they are back safe!