Keeping up with the Byrnes' can be quite a challenge at times. This is our attempt to keep our friends and family up-to-date!
Monday, September 28, 2009
JV Victorious Over Baker
We got to see Ottawa JV beat Baker tonight - 22-12. Shelby drove me in her new car and did a fabulous job (even getting stuck very bad highway traffic). Brenton's roommate, Jake (19), got to play as did fellow 213 Crew member Clint (37) and of course our very own Brenton (54). We also had a sense of deja vu as one of Baker's QBs was none other than ex-SMS Raider, Dustin King. Brenton played much better tonight and the only downside was Clint spraining his knee (hope it isn't too bad). The JV team has a few weeks off and then gets to play Baker in Ottawa on October 19th. By the way, the Ottawa Braves moved up in the polls - to No. 11 (they are now ranked higher than my alma mater, MNU). Go Braves! 

Sunday, September 27, 2009
Shelby's New Ride
Tim and I surprised Shelby with a car of her very own. It is a Silver 1997 Oldsmobile 88. Needless to say, she was VERY excited and surprised. A picture (or three) is worth a thousand words. Now to trick it out with Raider stickers and she will be good to go!

Another Nailbiter - If you don't believe me - look at Brenton's gloves
The finger in Brenton's gloves is chewed apart thanks to another come from behind victory by our beloved Ottawa Braves (the parents are thinking of requesting a defibrillator for the stands). Falling behind 21-7 in the 3rd quarter, No. 22 ranked Sterling College had momentum, the officials (goodness, we obviously have pissed off them as the calls were REALLY bad this game - Sterling had 2 penalties all night while you needed a calculator to keep track of ours), the mosquitoes and other flying things (boy, Sterling is in serious need of some bug zappers) and were cruising to victory (with 5 fat guys in kilts standing in the end zone?????). Then, much to our surprise (although now it seems like habit), quarterback Ethan Haller "came out of his coma" (quote by Jake Johnson), our defense came out of theirs, and the fans (and the sideline) got really loud. Speaking of loud, the Sterling football team must also have cheerleader scholarships as they led all of the cheers the ENTIRE game - their fans must have been confused as they were yelling soccer cheers throughout the game. Very odd indeed; however, I would love to see our sideline get that involved (my voice can't stand much more of this - I am starting to sound like a man). When all was said and done, the score was Ottawa 23 Sterling 21 and I had 4 smelly boys in my van headed back to O-Town. I can now tell you about high school/college football, basketball, baseball, and track stories, dodge ball stories, and who is "smokin hot" (another Jake Johnson quote). The boys did decide this team is dominated by the number 5 - last year, their season ended because of 5 points (a one point loss to Friends and a 4 point loss to Sterling) - this year, the last two games have been decided by 5 points (a 3 point victory over McPherson and a 2 point victory last night). Standing at 4-0, Game 5 is next week vs Southwestern - the last time Ottawa was 4-0 they lost Game 5 vs (you guessed it) Southwestern. Here's hoping for a different outcome this time. Go Braves!

Saturday, September 26, 2009
Rompin, Stompin, Raider Band in OP Parade
Next up, was taking Shelby to downtown Overland Park to carry the banner for the Rompin, Stompin, Raider Band. They were 40th in the parade and if it was like last year, they were by far the best in the parade. I, of course, had to miss the actual parade (see next blog entry). It was a tad warm in wool/poly blend, but not as bad as previous years. Next up for the band - another home game (Friday) and then the Blue Springs Marching Festival (Saturday).
C&P Environmental Day 2009 - Ernie Miller Park
The 3rd Annual C&P Environmental Day found me once again at Ernie Miller Park with my loppers to help cut back the trails. Of course, we met bright and early (7:30 a.m.) at Casa Eschbacher (having recently returning from Afghanistan, we signed him up for hosting) and had breakfast, Bloody Marys, and Mimosas. The weather was great and we found some interesting things along the path (why would anyone feel compelled to take off their underwear while hiking?) Lunch followed; however, I did not get to go as I had to move on to my next stop of the day - Delivering Shelby to the OP Parade (See next blog entry).
Sunday, September 20, 2009
Tailgating and One Hellavu Football Game!
The Johnson's, Brown's, Blecha's, Weldon's, Gross', and Shelby, her friend, Tiffany, and I met in Ottawa at 4:00 on a beautiful afternoon with the intention of grilling a massive amount of food to eat before the game and heat up after the game to feed our favorite Braves. All went according to plan, until the start of the game in which the Ottawa defense was missing from the first half and McPherson (who knocked off Friends last week) took a commanding lead. While the dads were grumbling about the lack of defense, the mothers were wondering what we were going to do with all that food if the Braves lost - knowing our boys would be too disappointed and mad to eat. Surly, disgruntled football players are NOT fun to be around. Lucky for us, these Ottawa Braves have a lot of heart and refused to be beaten by a bunch of Bulldogs (no offense meant to Baxter - my sister's bulldog). Coming from behind, the Braves tied up the score and the game went into overtime. After two overtime periods, the Braves were victorious (and we were all hoarse and exhausted). The victory made the after-party that much sweeter and the boys ate (and ate, and ate) and tried to duct tape Brenton's roommate Jake to a lawn chair (before Max Brown used Jake's shoes to show Shelby his shot put and discus techniques - he can really throw). Of course the party had to end (as the boys wanted to ditch the parent to party with their teammates - as they should) and all the parents had to make the trek home. Next up for Ottawa: Sterling (who beat them last year). Go Braves (and try not to make next week's game so close)!

Saturday, September 19, 2009
Metro Sports Game of the Week - SMS vs SME
The Metro Sports Game of the Week was our very own South Raiders against the dreaded East Lancers with the Rompin Stompin Raider Band performing their full halftime show for the first time. The Raiders did indeed stomp the Lancers and the band sounded really good. The weather has just been perfect the last two game - the band hasn't been subjected to 100 degrees in wool marching uniforms this year. Next up for the band - another home game next Friday and the Overland Park Parade on Saturday. Keep your fingers crossed for some more good weather.
Sunday, September 13, 2009
Ottawa 45 Bethel 20
Brenton got his first taste of college football on the varsity level last night when he got to suit up for the home opener versus Bethel College. Tim, Grandpa Tom, Shelby, Kaylie (Shelby's friend from band and bowling), and I made the trek to O-town to cheer on the Braves. Ottawa took a commanding lead and we had hopes of seeing Brenton play, but a second half letdown stopped that idea and the defensive starters stayed in the game. Shelby and Kaylie manned the D and the Fence and provided lots of cheering (the game was quite crowded and we ended up sitting amongst the enemy). Next week is McPherson - who had a huge upset last night over last year's division champions Friends University. We are planning on tailgating before the game to ensure we get better seats. Check out our No. 54....
Brenton on left of picture - roommate Jake is #19 (with the headset)
Shelby, Brenton and Kaylie
Saturday, September 12, 2009
First Marching Performance
Tim, Dee Dee, and I got to watch the first performance of the Fantasmic halftime show, Thursday, September 10 at South District Stadium. We also got to witness a Raider win over Lawrence, 28-7. The band sounded great (I love the Disney music) and the marching quite good for a first performance. Shelby of course was not as pleased as she thought they could do better. Actually, when I spoke with the band director, Mr. Adams, last week the thought this was one of the fastest learning bands he has had. We look forward to many more chances to see the performance, starting with next Thursday - South vs East - the Metro Sports Game of the Week.
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