Sunday, April 18, 2010

213 Crew wins Dodge for a Cause - KC

Our boys did it - they won the championship game! They receive an automatic bid into the NADA Outdoor National Tournament in suburban Chicago, free roundtrip airfare for the team and $1,000 in prize money. The 2010 Outdoor National Tournament will be held Sat., July 17 so it looks like a road trip will need to be planned!  It was a great day!
Scoping out the competition
Is Matt doing a JJ imitation?
213 Crew Champions!
Brenton with the winning bracket

Spring Game 2010

Ottawa had it's Spring Game yesterday pitting the OU offense against the OU defense.  A good sized crowd turned out to watch.  The defense actually won (which is very hard to do).  The 213 Crew played well and spring ball is now officially over.  2 weeks left of school.
Change of number for next year - No. 34
Brenton's roommate No. 19 JJ
No. 61 Max Brown
Lined up
Staying with his block
On the other side
Pushing his man into the ball carrier

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Brenton in the Ottawa Campus Newspaper

Look what you can find when you "google" your child....
Brenton Byrnes works out during football off-season. The football team meets weekdays to work out together when not in season.

Sunday, April 11, 2010

213 Crew Advances to the Sweet 16

Brenton has had his feelings hurt that the blog has been all about Shelby of late so I told him he better do something impressive.  Today he did - with the help of JJ, Max, Matt, CJ and Clint - otherwise known as the 213 Crew.  They defeated Dynasty Dodgeball, The Perkis System, and Weapons of Mass Destruction to move onto the next round.  It was great seeing all the football moms and dads. Cady's folks stayed in town to watch Brenton.  They helped the boys get more official-looking uniforms (much improved from last year).  Here's hoping they make it to the championship game this year!

Friday, April 9, 2010

Another Honor for Shelby

Once again, Shelby has made the announcements at South.  Today, a reporter and photographer for the Johnson County Sun Newspaper interviewed her for an upcoming article (should be in the paper next Wednesday).  What a great season!

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Lady Braves Sweep Baker

Shelby and I got to watch the Lady Braves beat the Baker Wildcats in a double header yesterday.  The team looked great but I think the football players psyched out the Baker team with their witty comments.  Cady played 1st base in the second game (which she hadn't played since she was little) but did a fabulous job.  She had an amazing Stretch Armstrong catch (it looked like she jumped up a foot while keeping her foot on the bag).  We also got to meet her grandma, aunt, and cousin.  A great day!
Cady hitting her back with the bat - and Brenton trying unsuccessfully

Friday, April 2, 2010

Nothing Greater than OUR Raider!

Today was the Spring Assembly at SMS where the spring teams were introduced and Shelby was recognized in front of the student body for her All-Sunflower League, All-Metro, All-State, and 3rd Place State accomplishments for this bowling season.  Her actual certificates have not been received yet, but she got a huge applause and a letter from the athletic director.  We are mighty proud of her (and she looked awesome in her new outfit, new shoes, and cute new hairdo)!

Thursday, April 1, 2010

More Accolades for Shelby

Shelby has been named to the All-State Girls Bowling Team (as well as All-Metro and All-Sunflower League).