After a much needed rest, we set out on Sunday morning with our tour guides, Bonnie and Pawin, to the Grand Palace. We traveled on the Sky Train (Flat Jeffrey held on for dear life). Then took a water taxi to the Grand Palace. Pictures cannot possibly describe the magnitude and exquisiteness of the Grand Palace. It is truly remarkable.
We also visited the temple containing the only reclining Buddha (reclining because it has to be the size of a small skyscraper and could not possibly get it to stand up inside). Side note: a quite popular massage school is located at the reclining Buddha - perhaps he wanted a massage which is why he reclined?
Perhaps our greatest adventure to date involved our finding our way to the Royal Barge Museum. The taxi dropped us off at a sign saying Royal Barge Museum with an arrow pointing to an alley. A drunk homeless man jumped off a torn sofa and immediately indicated we were to travel down the alleyway and he would take us there. As we had Thai locals with us, we followed. We proceeded to maneuver carefully down many alleys, over canal, past chickens, rooster, cats (even ones carrying lunch (i.e., dead mice), shacks with no furniture but rather large TVs, babies behind chicken wire (who needs a playpen), and several woks cooking some mysterious meat.
Just when I thought perhaps we had erred (visions of all the mysteries I have read can rushing back), we arrived at our destination. It seems that water taxis used to take you to the Royal Barge Museum, but for some reason, do not anymore. The barges are quite neat to see and the history impressive. While we were there, a sole aussie came and commented to us that he had been afraid for his life on the way (a different drunk had lead him). We were only allowed one camera, so I will have to get the pictures from Scott. We got a great one of Flat Jeffrey and some locals.
In the taxi ride back to the hotel, the taxi driver suddenly stopped the taxi and jumped out leaving us (a golden opportunity to capture Flat Jeffrey driving). Our Thai friends explained that he had announced that the had to go to the bathroom and would return. Good thing we weren't alone or I probably would have gotten out of the taxi and started walking.
Monday, we were in the office to start our training (too bad we have to work). After our morning session, Scott excused himself and when he returned to the training room, was chuckling to himself about the rules of the restroom. After his explanation, I made him return with Flat Jeffrey for the following:
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