Tuesday, December 24, 2013

2013 in Review

I haven't updated the blog in what seems like forever (probably because it HAS been forever) - It was so much easier when the kids were in high school.  Let's see...got the house remodeled (kitchen and both bathrooms gutted and redone), got Brenton and Cady married, celebrated Daddy's 81st birthday, celebrated Brenton getting a job at Fastenal in Ada (living with one's wife is definitely a plus), celebrated Shelby's 4 A's and 2 B's report card - she is kickin it her junior year of college, celebrated Cady's 4.0 of her first semester at ECU getting her master's degree, the list goes on.  We have been blessed in 2013 - everyone has been happy and healthy - I couldn't ask for more.  Here is hoping that we are just as fortunate in 2014. We are planning a trip to North Carolina to celebrate my Aunt Ann and Uncle Bob's 70th wedding anniversary!  Mom could possibly have her knee(s) redone, will have to plan a road trip to watch Shelby and the Ashford Saints bowl, watch Coach Byrnes and the ECU Softball team stomp the competition, and always wanting a trip to Murfreesboro to visit my sis.  Maybe I will get back in the habit of blogging - then again...

Monday, February 18, 2013

When Life Gets in the Way of Blogging…

Haven’t written forever for a number of reasons - first and foremost, they started blocking blogs at work.   Now part of me can understand this as when at work, one should work.  However, we do get a lunch break and if I can get on Facebook at noon - why can’t I update my blog.  What really perplexes me is that our CEO has a blog and they have managed to block ALL blogs but his.  Odd.  Work also is on Twitter - have to admit, they are pretty boring tweets - certainly not as entertaining as Men’s Humor.  Anyway, I find I am in need of an update, so here goes.

When last I wrote, Shelby and I made a road trip to visit Cady and Brenton.  We had a wonderful time and it was quite nice to get a mini vacation.  Shelby worked the summer at the bowling alley - long hours but she enjoyed herself and stashed away her pay for the school year.

August found Shelby back in Clinton for her sophomore year and Brenton back in Ottawa for his final semester.  Boy, time sure does fly.  The big excitement was his job for the fall - he was hired as an assistant coach for West Franklin High School, coaching the linebackers.  We had such fun going to the high school games.  It was pretty cool to cheer for the coach - not a player.  Of course I was my usual loud self - but as no one really knew who I was I could get away with it.  They ended up winning 3 games but were in all of them - injuries were their downfall.  

While coaching, Brenton finished up his undergraduate career and graduated in December.  We are all so very proud of him!!!! 

Mom, Dad, and I drove to spend Thanksgiving with the Tolberts in Murfreesboro, TN.  Shelby got to fly into town so we had a big time - eating lots of good food, doing a 5k walk, and cheering on Middle Tennessee football and basketball to victory!
The biggest news of the past few months was Brenton and Cady getting engaged before the Oklahoma/Oklahoma State football game (which luckily the Sooners came from behind to win).  Brenton had it all planned out but then got nervous and just asked her to marry him (which is basically all he needed to do but we like to kid him about his nerves anyway).  They have set a date for the wedding - November 2, 2013 which happens to be my Daddy’s 81st birthday so we will have lots to celebrate.
So while Cady is playing her last season of softball as a Lady Brave, she will be planning a wedding as well.  Yikes!
Shelby had a great semester at school with grades and bowling.  The Lady Saints had a 2nd place finish which is the highest they have ever placed.  She came home for Christmas and basically went to work - glad she could get some hours but felt I didn’t get to see much of her.  Brenton and Cady came into town for Christmas so we had a nice visit.  Brenton is going to be working in Tulsa while Cady finishes up her last semester at Ottawa.

I did the Color Run in Lawrence Kansas - Quite an experience!
No international travels for me this year so far but did make a quick business trip to our Denver office - trained a fantastic group of engineers - so easy when they are young and computer savvy!  Luckily the weather was fantastic too which just made it that much better.

Thursday, June 28, 2012

Road Trip to Oklahoma

Shelbs and I made the trek to TulsaOklahoma to pay a short visit to our favorite Sooners.  We packed a great deal into our weekend.  We had some fantastic meals, saw Snow White and the Huntsman, watched Cady’s riding lesson, took Wrigley. Stoops, and Reagan to the dog park, got Brenton’s birthday present, went bowling, and I finally got to see Tangled.  We also got to FINALLY meet Cady’s brother, Josh, and his daughter, Sage (who almost beat us all in bowling).  While we would love to plan another trip to Tulsa, our next trip will be to Murfreesboro to see Barsh and Larry in July (must spread the Shelbs around)!

Three of the greatest kids around

Friday, May 25, 2012

All Caught Up

Think I am caught up with the latest news but wanted to share a picture.  The morning of Tom's funeral service, Brenton woke up throwing up so I put him in my bed to rest while I took care of breakfast.  When I went up to check on him this is what I found - LOVE it!

Happy Mother's Day

I had a wonderful Mother's Day thanks to some pretty fabulous kids and my fun and delightful parents!  Martha and I got Mom a new bowling ball so Shelby and I took her bowling after a yummy brunch.  The kids got me a Yankee Candle gift card and a fantastic watch (pink, of course).  Brenton and Cady couldn't make it in town but we are planning a weekend trip to Tulsa for a visit soon!
Mom and her gift!

Harmonie Hundred

Summer started with another bike trip.  This time to New Harmony, Indiana to ride in the Harmonie Hundred with Larry and my sister, Martha.  I can now say I rode 100 miles in a weekend.  We dusted off the triple (from last year's Katy Trail ride) and took off.  The weather was perfect (although I was a tad concerned when I woke up in the middle of the night to very loud thunderstorms).  New Harmony is a neat town and they were having all sorts of festivities while we were there.  It was also an educational experience.  I learned all about my single bike - when and how to shift gears, and perhaps most importantly, how I had been riding with my saddle a good 1-1/2 inches too low.  No wonder my thighs got so tired!!!  Larry has so much knowledge, my P.E.O chapter wants to get him to town to give us a bike master class.  Perhaps before the WIN for KC Triathlon...(hint, hint)


Eleven years to the day after losing Tim's mom, Dixie, we lost his dad, Tom. Fortunately we all got to say our goodbyes.  Unfortunately, a bout of the stomach flu hit Brenton (and later, Cady) so they only made it to about 1 hour of the visitation.  It was a beautiful service that Tom would have loved.  He will be missed.