Thursday, December 25, 2008

Christmas at the Byrnes'

It is now Christmas evening - the presents have been opened, a wonderful dinner cooked and consumed (still have dishes to do). The kids are playing NCAA trivia, Shelby is packing for her Florida Trip, my mom and dad have gone home, Tim is laying down as he has to work, and both dogs are passed out from all the excitement. We truly had a wonderful day and are all very thankful for so much! Here are some pictures from Christmas 2008.
Shelby, looking ever so grown up.

Terry and Tama's daughter, Corey (with Chef Tim in the background)

Hannah (she overdid the food today)

Grandpa Byrnes and Missy

Tama and Terry (recovering from his shoulder surgery)

Tyler, Corey and Hannah

Brenton lounging with the dogs
The wrestling starts
Dueling wedgies
Brenton watched a bit too much "Kung Fu Panda"
Luckily, no one was injured (and thankfully, nothing was broken). Now I am off to finish the dishes and clean up the kitchen.

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