Thursday, January 1, 2009

Happy New Year 2009

While we typically focus on the future at the start of a new year, today I paused to take a look back. Maybe it is because I have watched enough football in the past week to start dreaming about it. Perhaps it is because I finally decided to clean out the glove compartment of my car. While cleaning out said glove box, I came across this picture - Brenton and Shelby standing in Tennesee Titan's owner Bud Adam's office in front of the AFC Championship Trophy (I think you can even see greasy little fingerprints on it). I think this picture was taken close to 8 years ago - hard to believe they were both so small. Brenton is of course looking football tough (I seem to remember he was mad that Shelby had to be in the picture as she didn't understand or appreciate the magnitude of it all) and Shelby is just happy. Some things do not change.

For the New Year here's hoping (in no particular order):
  • Our family and friends continue to be blessed with good health.
  • The economy starts improving.
  • The Raider Bowling team sends 2 girls to State in 2009.
  • The Titans get another trophy.
  • My kids learn to put dishes in the dishwasher and pick up after themselves (a mother can hope, can't she?).
  • Black & Veatch gets a couple of new large projects.
  • The Chiefs get a decent GM and new head coach.
  • Hannah (our chocolate lab) quits hogging all the covers.
  • The Royals have a winning season.
  • Martha and Larry's wedding is as spectacular as I think it will be.
  • The Jones family cousins start planning a second reunion.
  • Tim gets promoted to Battalion Chief.
  • We take time out of our busy lives to remember our loved ones that we have lost, not take for granted those still here, and count our many blessings.

Happy 2009!

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