Monday, March 16, 2009

The Wedding

It was slightly overcast, but still a great day for a wedding at the Oaklands Mansion. Martha looked beautiful, Larry quite dapper, and the food and cake were the bomb. All kinds of appetizers were served (my favorites were the shrimp bloody mary shooters and the crab canapes). There was also a raspberry chipotle sauce for the pork tenderloin that was the best (need to get the recipe for Tim). Everything was perfect with the only mishap being a flower arrangement that caught on fire (where is a fireman when you need one). Luckily, no harm was done and the rest of the wedding went off without a hitch. Congrats, Martha and Larry.

The Oaklands
The bar was set up outside in this tent.
The carving station (raspberry chipotle sauce on the left)


The cake

Susan and Brad

Shelby looking ever so grown up.
Brenton taking a sip.

The wedding ceremony.
Mr. and Mrs. Larry Tolbert

1 comment:

Ashleigh said...

They are so cute! Love Prince Albert! Miss ya!