Saturday, March 27, 2010

All-Metro Girls Bowling Team

This just in - Shelby has been named to the All-Metro Girls Bowling Team for her awesome performance this season.  SMS had 2 of the 4 girls!  She will be presented at an all-school assembly on Friday.  We are so very proud of her!

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Back to Reality

Shelby and I are back from a wonderful vacation and visit with Martha and Larry.  We packed a great deal into a short visit and besides Martha getting injured and a trip to the ER, we had a delightful time.  Martha had injured her hip and was on the road to recovery until she bought me some great new shoes and I just had to try them out.  So...we walked/ran 4 miles, biked 12 miles (Shelby got to ride on the back of the tandem bike and had a blast!) and then worked out with her trainer.  She ended up unable to move but with the help of some muscle relaxers and pain killers is well on the road to recovery.  We got back just in time for snow (ugh). 
After the ride
Baxter, the Bulldog
The top of Matha and Larry's wedding cake
Martha feeding Larry
Larry returning the favor
Shelby was the only one who liked the bike gear (I felt like a stuffed sausage)
We went from this...

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Go Lady Blue Raiders!

Shelby and I are vacationing in Murfreesboro, TN with my sister, Martha, and her husband, Larry.  Last night we attended the NCAA selection party for the Middle Tennessee State Lady Blue Raiders at the Embassy Suites.  ESPN was present to record the crowd reaction.  MTSU got a #10 seed and face the # 7 Mississippi State.  We were 4 out of about 1,000 present (so we did not see ourselves on TV).  We are having a wonderful visit and hope the weather warms up for tomorrow's bike ride.  Here are Martha and Shelby decked out in their MTSU finest!

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Happy 17th Birthday, Shelby!

It seems like only yesterday, I was driving back to work after my doctor's appointment, having stopped by Burger King to have a Whopper, fries, and coke when my water broke in my brand new van. In fact, it was 17 years ago. So, Happy Birthday to our wonderful, beautiful, talented, daughter, Shelby. What a blessing you are to us and we hope you have a wonderful birthday.

All-Sunflower League Teams

The results are in and SMS is well represented in the All-Sunflower League.  Katie and Shelby are 1st team, Brock is 2nd team, Zach is honorable mention and our beloved Coach T is Coach of the Year!  Shelby was most excited that she was the only non-senior girl chosen for the 1st team.

Monday, March 8, 2010

SMS Announcements

As expected, Shelby made the morning announcements.

Saturday, March 6, 2010

Friday, March 5, 2010

Third Place at State

The Raider bowling teams left Wednesday at 1:30 for the State Bowling Tournament which found the boys bowling on Thursday morning and the girls this morning. The bowling alley was packed full of support for the local teams (very loud support) and the lanes were very oily and fast. Our boys struggled the entire day, which ended with the Raiders in 8th place (out of 9 teams). Raider Zach Donovan was 19th and received a medal. The boys were disappointed, but Coach T was quick to remind them that they had a record breaking season and there were plenty of teams at home (actually sitting in class). That seemed to cheer them up a bit. The girls got another hour of practice Thursday night and after a quick team meeting headed off to bed. I was having my coffee this morning at 6:00 when a very sleepy looking Shelby stepped off the elevator for breakfast. She had an omelet, sausage and had made friends with the guy stocking up the breakfast bar, who was nice enough to make her a Belgian waffle. After breakfast she got ready and packed up her bags to check out of the hotel. Before leaving for the lanes, she mentioned she was nervous and felt like she might "hurl" but thought that might have been because of the huge breakfast, not nerves. Tim and Tom got into town before they opened the doors and when we next saw Shelby, she was at her lane looking very relaxed and at ease. Now it was my turn to feel nauseous. After introductions, they got to start their warm up. Shelby quickly discovered that she needed to use a different ball, and while she picked up spares, she did not find her strike ball. The tournament started, the local fans got loud, and Shelby marched up and threw a strike. Her first of many, I might add. I could write a novel about her today but to save space I will condense my thoughts. 1) Shelby looked like she was having a blast the entire time so much so that the Maize fans sitting around me started to cheer for her too (this was the only time throughout the tournament that I saw people cheering for the opposition). 2) Shelby was the only one I saw that clapped for her opposition. 3) Shelby bowled a 247, 203, and 207 for a 657 series and third place. At the beginning of the season, Coach T had all the kids write down goals for themselves. Shelby can pretty much check off most of hers after today.
Shelby getting her medal
Coach T, Shelby, Katie, and Coach D