Saturday, March 20, 2010

Back to Reality

Shelby and I are back from a wonderful vacation and visit with Martha and Larry.  We packed a great deal into a short visit and besides Martha getting injured and a trip to the ER, we had a delightful time.  Martha had injured her hip and was on the road to recovery until she bought me some great new shoes and I just had to try them out.  So...we walked/ran 4 miles, biked 12 miles (Shelby got to ride on the back of the tandem bike and had a blast!) and then worked out with her trainer.  She ended up unable to move but with the help of some muscle relaxers and pain killers is well on the road to recovery.  We got back just in time for snow (ugh). 
After the ride
Baxter, the Bulldog
The top of Matha and Larry's wedding cake
Martha feeding Larry
Larry returning the favor
Shelby was the only one who liked the bike gear (I felt like a stuffed sausage)
We went from this...

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