Saturday, July 24, 2010

WSU Bowling Camp

Yesterday, Shelby and I headed out for Wichita, KS for the start of the Wichita State Bowling Camp. She was a bit nervous when we got there (there were tons of kids and bowling equipment).  They told her to start bowling (she is on the left against the wall - only had my phone with me so couldn't zoom in).  She threw a couple of practice balls (not getting near the pocket).  The coach then came over with a movie camera to video her from the side and back for analysis.  She picked up her ball and threw 2 of the prettiest strikes I've seen.  The girl certainly handles pressure like a pro!!  She has already made a friend (from Goddard).  So much for being nervous.  We attended the opening banquet, listened to the WSU assistant and head coach talk about the camp, and Shelby got her 4 inch binder full of everything they are going to cover (somehow in 3-1/2 days).  Ordered the picture packet so will have official pictures to post after camp.  Maybe she can teach me something to improve my game!

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