Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Win for KC Triathlon 2010

If you look back at blogs from last year, you would see an entry about the Win for KC Triathlon that I attended to cheer on my P.E.O sister, Laura Antonic, and the Kansas City Chiropractic team.  I remember the day clearly as I drank mimosas and ate huge muffins and cookies.  Afterward, I went to the Olive Garden and had soup, salad, and a large number of breadsticks.  Those were the days.  This year was somewhat different.  My sister, Martha, came into town with her husband, Larry (The Bike King - what a great bike teacher).  My trainer and friend, Stacy, Martha, Laura, and I completed the triathlon while co-workers, P.E.Os, friends, and family (not to mention the staff of Kansas City Chiropractic - our sponsor) cheered us on. What a sight to come out of the water and see all those blue shirts yelling and cheering (and my Daddy waving a blue pom pom)!  We were a couple of minutes over our goal so are going to have to train harder for next year!  It was really hard, but so rewarding.  I will say there was a minute while pedaling up a hill that I thought about how nice a mimosa would taste but quickly banished the thought.  Here's looking at 2011!

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