Wednesday, October 12, 2011

More Football

The Braves continued their roll through the KCAC with a 41-19 victory over Southwestern College in Winfield, KS.  Shelby was on fall break so came home for the weekend and went to the game with me (thank goodness or I probably wouldn't have seen her as her social calendar was quite full).  As the University of St. Marys upset Bethany, the Braves are currently in sole possession of first place in their division.  Next up for the Braves is a trip to McPherson, KS to take on the Bulldogs.  Go Braves!

Push ups with the OU Cheerleaders (think we did 138)

Monday, October 3, 2011

Shelby's First College Bowling Meet

Shelby competed in her first college bowling meet at the 41st Annual Midwest Collegiate Tournament in Wauwatosa, Wisconsin.  It was a 2 day event. It was extremely hard for me to miss it as it is the first bowling event of hers that I wasn't able to attend.  Unfortunately, all of their meets are quite far from KC so I will not be able to attend many.  Shelby bowled 4 out of 6 games the first day and competed in the Baker event the second day.  She had mixed results with a high game of 181, a low in the 140s.  The Lady Saints came in 14th place (out of 27 teams) which is not too bad for a 7 freshman - 1 sophomore team.  Last year, they came in 23rd out of 27 so they definitely improved.  Shelby was quick to point out that the girls beat the boys so she was pleased about that.  They have qualifying for every meet (Shelby qualified 4th for this last meet) so we shall see where she ends up for the next meet which is October 22-23 in Addison, IL.  Go Saints.  Here is Shelby's bio from the Ashford website at

Sunday, October 2, 2011

2011 Ottawa Brave Media Guide

Boys will be boys and if there was ever a doubt about the Ottawa Braves Football Seniors, this year's media guide proves it.  They decided to take funny pictures.  Here is Brenton's picture (groan). Of course, his is NOT the worst (so that gives you some idea).  I do like Bobby Adamson's picture (he is standing amid flames and Clarence Anderson is in his picture holding a fire extinguisher - pretty comical).  They all look goofy.  Sigh...

Ottawa vs Tabor

In the past, I have blogged about every Ottawa game but since I have been negligent, I will have to condense.  The first game of the season was against Baker and Ottawa was horrid and lost in a blowout.  I can't even remember the score having blocked out the game like childbirth.  I take some responsibility as obviously my OU earrings (which had never been worn at a game) had some bad mojo.  I have stopped wearing them.  Game 2 was against Georgetown.  We gave that game away being unable to score from the red zone 3 times. Next up was Kansas Wesleyan who we easily defeated by the score of 44-19 in Ottawa.  The team then traveled to Leavenworth to take on the University of St Marys.  We beat then 30-14 even after they knocked out our QB, Bobby Adamson (Their No.1 clapped, jumped up and down, and fist pumped the entire time Bobby was down). I wrote an email of protest to the head of the KCAC, his assistant, the director of the NAIA's Champions of Character, the St. Mary's AD and the Ottawa AD.  Only the Ottawa AD felt the need to reply.  I of course will have to stir the pot some more about this. Totally horrid behavior. Back to the Braves.  Last night, Tabor came to Ottawa.  We were a tad nervous as Bobby was not to play still recovering from his concussion.  No need to fear, the Braves handled the Blue Jays 37-10.  Our own Brenton Byrnes was one of the co-captains for the game and actually saw some playing time.  Next up is a trip to Southwestern (somewhere in the middle of nowhere).

I will post more game pictures when I sort through the thousands Michelle took while I was busy manning the D and the fence.

Catch Up

Okay, I have been extremely negligent about updating the blog.  If Shelby were home, she would be horrified regarding my blog apathy.  However, she is away at school which could have something to do with my apathy in general.  Then again, I have always had the tendency to procrastinate so I am going to blame that instead. I am a firm believer that habits can be easily formed (and broken, alas) so I am going to get back in the habit of blogging.  Before I do that, I must do a bit of catching up on the past few months. It's not like I have been sitting around reading (on second thought that is somewhat accurate); however, I have been to Beijing, China, Bangkok, Thailand, and Augusta, Missouri (and countless football games). You must start somewhere to break a habit, so I will start today.  I am going to post-date items so they appear in chronological order.  I am sure I will forget something as that tends to happen with age.  Here goes...