Sunday, October 2, 2011

Catch Up

Okay, I have been extremely negligent about updating the blog.  If Shelby were home, she would be horrified regarding my blog apathy.  However, she is away at school which could have something to do with my apathy in general.  Then again, I have always had the tendency to procrastinate so I am going to blame that instead. I am a firm believer that habits can be easily formed (and broken, alas) so I am going to get back in the habit of blogging.  Before I do that, I must do a bit of catching up on the past few months. It's not like I have been sitting around reading (on second thought that is somewhat accurate); however, I have been to Beijing, China, Bangkok, Thailand, and Augusta, Missouri (and countless football games). You must start somewhere to break a habit, so I will start today.  I am going to post-date items so they appear in chronological order.  I am sure I will forget something as that tends to happen with age.  Here goes...

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