Sunday, December 12, 2010

Braves Season Ends

Between work, football, marching band, and life in general, I was remiss in updating the blog once again so will have to play catch up.  The Ottawa Braves ended the regular season with a sweet victory over hated rival Friends University 54-21.  Our own Brenton was sidelined with a torn MCL, but was on top of the press box calling in plays.  The Anderson brothers had big games which was also sweet as Friends didn't recruit them as they were determined to be too small (they are local Wichita boys).  We tailgated after the game as usual and fed the boys as they were starving (as usual).

Brenton at work calling in plays
One of Clarence Anderson's many scores of the day
Having ended the season with a 9-1 record, the Braves hosted the first round playoff game against the Marian Knights.  It was a tale of two halves with Ottawa leading at halftime, but then doing absolutely nothing in the second half.  They lost 20-35.  It was a disappointment but with Brenton still nursing his injury, rather glad we didn't have to plan a trip to North Dakota in December.  They introduced the active roster at the beginning of the game which was sweet and my sister Martha made it to town (to help the Creators with moving decisions) and got to see the game.  Overall, it was a great season.  Can't wait to see what next year brings!

Brenton and Coach Kessinger
Brenton being introduced pre-game

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