Sunday, December 12, 2010

Cookie Party and B&V Christmas Party 2010

December means two things in KC, cold weather and Debbie Vesel's annual Christmas Cookie Exchange.  I have been participating in the cookie party for roughly 22 years and always seem to have some mishap while making my 12 dozen cookies.  The first year saw me making Walnut Crescents using a recipe that my father-in-law Tom gave me.  He swore one batch made 8 dozen so I thought I could double it and be golden.  However, when I started cooking it quickly became evident that one batch made about 2 dozen.  After multiple trips to the store (and who knows how much money), I ended up with 12 dozen cookies and swore I would NEVER do it again.  The next year saw me attempt Stained Glass Cookies - they ended up looking great but tasting awful (even the dogs wouldn't eat them although they did have a blast chasing the candy balls as they rolled off the cookie sheet).  I could go on but I'm sure you get the idea.  So this year, I decided early to make Mint Brownie Bites (I found the recipe while at the eye doctor).  They looked festive (which is important) and how could you go wrong with brownies, right?  Well, this year it quickly became evident that these were the cookies for me.  From start to finish, I knocked out 14 dozen in roughly 3 hours.  I decided that I am going to make them every year regardless of how they taste!  I was rocking to Brenton's playlist (it felt a little odd to be singing Sexy Chick instead of Silver Bells, but whatever works). They actually tasted good too!  Score!
Mine are the ones with the white icing and peppermints on top

December also marks the time for the Black & Veatch Christmas Party.  I haven't been in years as it was always downtown and I wanted it to be closer to home.  Well, this year they decided to have it at the Sheraton right across the street from work (no excuse to miss it).  The last B&V Christmas party I attended was the night before Brenton and I flew to Nashville to watch the Chiefs and the Titans mix it up on Monday Night football Brenton's freshman year of high school (yes, high school).  I drank way too much that night as the band wouldn't let me play the cow bell (which for some reason upset me).  I can distinctly remember the plane ride leaning my head against Brenton's shoulder saying "I don't feel so good."  This year was much different.  I had no desire to play the cowbell and only had one glass of wine.  The food was quite good and tons of people showed up.  I actually won a centerpiece too (technically, my friend Debbie won it but as she got one for being on the planning committee, she gave it to me).  We had a great night and certainly hope they have it there again next year.  It was nice to get home in less than 10 minutes!

Debbie, Me, and Emily in front of the centerpieces

Emily and I in front of one of the Christmas Trees

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