Thursday, October 16, 2008

Bon Voyage, Bowlings

Today, we bid a fond farewell to Josh, Ashleigh, and Lijah Bowling who are relocating to the Raleigh NC area. I have worked with Ashleigh at Black & Veatch since May of 2005. It seems like only yesterday she was harassed by our lesbian stalker, laughed over her love of all things Bret Michaels (much to the chagrin of the before mentioned stalker), and found herself locked in the ladies room on a regular basis. "Seriously," I could go on for days. She definitely made life at B&V more fun.

Ashleigh will be missed by the gang at B&V (Kelli, Brynn, Flat Jeffery, Stephanie, and me - as pictured in front of our B&V bean plant). Flat Jeffery was inconsolable upon hearing the news so a Flat Ashleigh was created.

Josh was Brenton's first boss and turned into a mentor and friend. Josh helped Brenton get acclimated to Ottawa by introducing him to some friends in the area, watching him play football, and taking him out when he was bored. Brenton will certainly miss his "big brother" (although will no doubt plan a road trip in the not too distant future).

Best Wishes, Bowlings. Think of us when wearing your Bret Michael panties. You will be missed!

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