Friday, October 24, 2008

Last Marching Band Performance of 2008

Last home game of 2008 (unfortunately the Raiders lost to the BV Northwest Huskies), but the Rompin, Stompin Raider Band performed another great half-time show.

We had a potluck dinner before the game (thanks to Dee Dee for cooking my contribution).

Shelby had a great time this year and is already looking forward to next year. The next time the marching band will be together is this Christmas in Orlando, Florida.

Turns out there is another Byrnes in the band, Nikki (pictured with Shelby).
After the game we had a surprise visit from Brenton and his friend, Sam. They had been on a date in Lawrence and decided to stop by to say "Hi." Sam is a freshman at Ottawa and plays on both the Lady Braves Basketball Team and Softball Team. We had a great visit until they had to go back to Ottawa. :(

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